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Sick Abed on Two Chairs

“Sick abed on two chairs” is an idiom that can describe being sick but working anyway. It can also refer to the idea of being sick and going between two chairs: the dinner table chair, and the porcelain chair in the bathroom. This is...

Hand Running

“He’s been sick three days hand-running.” Huh? In some parts of the country, “hand running” means “in succession, consecutively.” The hosts muse about the possible origins of this phrase. This is part of a...


Unfitney  n.— «Britney Spears—or as the media likes to call her “Unfitney”—missed her court-ordered deposition yesterday morning because of a general medical illness but was cruising around until 2am last night.» —“Britney...

Sick Bags

Sick Bags  n.— «From a distance, Six Flags towers above the forest like the skeletal remains of a long-dead civilisation—aficionados refer to it as Sick Bags, in gruesome acknowledgment of the franchise’s reputation as the Kingdom of...


isht  n.— «On Public Enemy’s Muse Sick In Hour Mess Age (the CD), if you reverse past the first track (about 1:25), there is Chuck D on the mike talking isht.» —“Re: Scared the #@%$ outta me!” by Robin L...

bang in

bang in  v.— «Before I was hired, a few of our city carriers worked nights at Yankee Stadium as ushers. They banged in so that they could work an afternoon game, and wound up on TV. Waved to the camera and everything. They were seen. No...