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snip  n.— «The tools made by Santa Clara-based Affymetrix and San Diego-based Illumina identify markers that show which variant of a gene is present in an individual. These markers are called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or...

big snip

big snip  n.— «Taking me to the vet for "the big snip," then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back. » —“Dog Pet Peeves About Humans” by Jazz Lady Southern Maryland Community Forums Mar...

big snip

big snip  n.— «Circumcision reared its head again this week, this time on Northern Exposure (ITV) Friday. Holling decides to take the big snip at age 63 in order to please girlfriend Shelly. The best line, delivered by Dr. Fleishman as he...

big snip

big snip  n.— «The choral tradition has seen a preference for male alto voices.…With few volunteers for “the big snip” these days, they also make convenient stand-ins for the castrato voice—all the rage in vocal music of...

big snip

big snip  n.— «From this point on, I vow never to wince in imaginary pain, cross my legs in a mock protection stance, refer to it as “the big snip,” or make that clicking sound that my wife is quite fond of making when another guy talks to...