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flake  v.— «Prosecutors are now widening their investigating to include several other Brooklyn South vice officers for an old, but illegal police practice called “flaking.” Flaking is when false arrests are made in order to...

cotton curtain

cotton curtain n. a political, social, and cultural divide, especially concerning race, between the American South and the rest of the country. Editorial Note: A similar term is Orange Curtain. Etymological Note: Patterned after Iron Curtain...

cotton curtain

cotton curtain  n.— «When the cotton curtain stood between us, and people were hateful and mean, I was here. When we didn’t have public accommodations, I was here. When the doors of opportunity had never been opened, I was here. When it...

township special

township special  n.— «Max, our other dog, is a cur, or “township special” as they are known in these parts, from the local SPCA.» —“Enemy of the people” by David Beresford in South...


smudging  n.— «During the ceremony, sage was burnt and wafted over the 65 or so people in attendance. The process is called smudging. And, Bobbi Piasecki said, its aim is to get rid of negative feelings or attitudes. The smudging ceremony...

bunny chow

bunny chow  n.— «A bunny chow is simply a filling meal, where you cut bread into two halves. You then scoop out the soft part of the bread, you fill the space created with a variety of curries, and put back the soft part on top of the...

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