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soaking  n.— «While only the historical clubs will play baseball, they will invite children to take part in rounders. “You could throw the ball at people to get them out,” Mr. Fesolowich said, a practice called soaking.» —“Spare...


spanger  v.— «We can all watch the spangers humiliate themselves and beat each other up for the change. If one spanger drops another, and that spanger passes out in your square, you win!» —“Re: Spare Changers…“ by Joe...

Dutch 200

Dutch 200  n.— «Brian Basacker pulled off a bowling rarity when he posted what’s known in lanes parlance as a “Dutch 200″ game in the Happy Fours summer league at Sonora Family Bowl. It’s a game in which the bowler alternates...


chippy  adj.— «Tonight’s game was a little chippy, conceded Roger Neilson. We’re trying to play as rough as we can.» —“Spare us the tales of hockey heroics” by Allen Abel Globe and Mail (Toronto, Can.) Apr...


spange  v.— «To spange: Shorthand street talk for that often-heard phrase, “Spare change?” says The Denver Post. Spangers have made it into a verb.» —“Social Studies” by Michael Kesterton Globe and...