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norg  n.— «“Norg” because we need to lose our old identity with one dying medium, newspapers, and stress our most valuable commodity, the one that we truly own, and that is news…without the paper. Thus, we must now be news...

Blackberry thumb

Blackberry thumb  n.— «There’s even an informal name for the malady—”BlackBerry Thumb”—a catch-all phrase that describes a repetitive stress injury of the thumb as a result of overusing small gadget keypads.» —“Blackberry...

oil spot

oil spot  n.— «Establish hamlets in groups, spreading the oil spot from the rich and populated areas outward. Give equal stress to the economy and the living standard of the population and the security factor.» —“Viet Premier Outlines...


mollycuddle  v.— «Hugging, the boffins claim, releases a feel-good hormone that can reduce the risk of heart disease, cut stress and promote longevity. It’s a discovery as welcome as any wonder drug. And it looks like introducing a new...

child life specialist

child life specialist  n.— «In the United States, there is a specialist theory and support technique called “child life,” which aims to support children entering the hospital and their families from a psychological/social work...

child life

child life  n.— «In the United States, there is a specialist theory and support technique called “child life,” which aims to support children entering the hospital and their families from a psychological/social work point of...