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bullet sponge

bullet sponge  n.— «Others in the Army call them grunts, or trigger pullers, or crunchies, for the sound of a tank rolling over a dead soldier. Sgt. Allan Toney has heard them all. “Bullet taker, bullet sponge, bullet stopper,”...


crunchy  n.— «Others in the Army call them grunts, or trigger pullers, or crunchies, for the sound of a tank rolling over a dead soldier. Sgt. Allan Toney has heard them all. “Bullet taker, bullet sponge, bullet stopper,” he...

blow a hoolie

blow a hoolie  v. phr.— «Houses made from wool? More like pulling it over our eyes. What if it rains or blows a hoolie? Living in a tent might be fine for nomads in warmer climes, but camping out in Britain is hardly a cushy option...


TDSU  n.— «I even survived unmolested the sharing of a tent on an ITC camp (ITC = Initial Training Corps) in Wales with a housemaster who was to go on to achieve notoriety at another public school for his near manic enthusiasm for TDSU...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «Megan McTavish, the show’s head writer, said she was most astonished that fans elevated Bianca into one of the serial’s “tent poles”—soap parlance for characters who hold enormous sway with viewers...

mayor’s cell

mayor’s cell  n.— «I calmly called my Section Sergeant to let him know that there was a potentially poisonous snake in the tent and to warn my other teams members before they came in to relieve me. He panicked. The next...