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Tsunami Tuesday

Tsunami Tuesday  n.— «February 5, a.k.a. “Tsunami Tuesday,” is not just going to be anchored by California’s primary. Other big states, like New York, New Jersey, Illinois and possibly Texas, are going to be on the same day...


 n.— «Sheetroquero/Frameadores. Aceptamos solicitudes. Mínimo 3 años de experiencia.» —“Classifieds” La Prensa (San Antonio, Texas) July 26, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


sheetrockero  n.— «Al informar lo anterior, el director de la dependencia municipal, Ing. Salvador Flores Cantú, señaló que son aproximadamente cien plazas laborales las que se ofertan en las especialidades de: “sheetrockeros”, soldadores...


sheetrockero  n.— «Necesito un floteador y un sheetroquero. Soy contratista y necesito alguien que trabaje con calidad y limpieza.» —“Floteador y Sheetrockero” in Houston, Texas Craigslist Apr. 16, 2007. (source:...


crack  v.— «Over his 11-year pro career, Arce has built a reputation as a ferocious puncher and fearless warrior with a heart as big as his personality. He can clown, but as they say in boxing, he can crack, too.» —“Boxing: Mexican...

bow echo

bow echo  n.— «The line of thunderstorms had developed into what is known as a bow echo, named because the line of storms surges or “bows” out to the east and northeast due to strong winds associated with the storms...