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chatter  n.— «The Scientific Games Corporation, which dominates the scratch-off market and counts states like Texas and Massachusetts as clients, advises lottery managers to increase jackpots to lure players.…“But like any ‘tool,’ an...


knol  n.— «Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling “knol,” which stands for a unit of knowledge.…At the heart, a knol is just a web page; we use the...

red-band trailer

red-band trailer  n.— «More uncensored versions, referred to as “red-band” trailers, are popping up on the Internet, with studios using them as a marketing tool to reach older audiences not as likely to be offended by super...


exergaming  n.— «In schools across the country, dodge ball, duck-duck-goose and walks around a track are being supplemented with fitness programs that use video games to get students moving. “Exergaming,” as it is called, is...

ride the wood

ride the wood  v. phr.— «Malikowski was using a replica of an 18th-century tool called a froe to split firewood into one-half- to three-quarter-inch slabs to make roofing shingles. The process is called “riding the wood,” said Malikowski...


floater n. a person who files down or smooths horse teeth; a tool used for such a task. Etymological Note: Directly related to the verb “to float,” meaning “to file the teeth of a horse.” The Oxford English Dictionary...