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Urning  n.— «Karl Ulrichs was a civil servant in the small city-state of Hanover…As early as 1862 he had coined the word “Urning” to describe a male sexually attracted to other males, which he believed derived from a...

drying rock

drying rock  n.— «Terminologically: the “drying rocks,” “shoals” and “rocks awash” formerly spoken of have given way to “low-tide elevations,” just as in French the «sèches»...


hudda  n.— «While the literal translation of the shirt is the police code for homicide (“187”) followed by gang slang for police (“hudda”), many Valley police, school officials and gang experts see it another way:...


187  n.— «While the literal translation of the shirt is the police code for homicide (“187”) followed by gang slang for police (“hudda”), many Valley police, school officials and gang experts see it another way:...