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deerjacking  n.— «Police say Ralph Conklin, 43, was driving on Big Pond Road with McKane and Reilly, hunting deer from his GMC truck. That practice, called deerjacking, is illegal.» —“Cops say man accidentally shot companion in...

oil spotted

oil spotted  v.— «For us roadies, truck stops provide a place to frolic, shop and occasionally get left behind. Being left behind is called “oil spotted” in roadie speak. No one truly knows the origin of the term but evidence...


kitting  n.— «What makes the Reyes relationship with TMMTX so special is its role in the innovative process known as parts “kitting.” TMMTX is the first Toyota truck assembly plant to adopt the kitting process, which is...

God wink

God wink  n.— «We began to get things separated when a semi truck arrived, unbenownst to them, from Iowa. (Again a God wink because it was from the area in Iowa that Sarah is from) So God allowed us to help them unload this truck and then...


cruck  n.— «The vehicle—Bird calls it a “cruck,” or a combination car/truck—was called the General Flea in a play on words from the old General Lee of “The Dukes of Hazzard” TV fame.» —“‘Junkin” ride...

big red truck

big red truck  n.— «“I figured it was just a matter of time before somebody came running out of the big red truck with a box full of plates,” said crew chief Todd Parrott, using the garage area parlance for NASCAR’s headquarters...