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urban fartlek

urban fartlek  n.— «The only item of note I can think of is that I coined the term “urban fartlek” to describe our sudden speeding up to make it through a stale green light and cross Market Street.» —“Run of the...


caló  n.— «Tosti was born in El Paso, and he became famous for translating his hometown’s pachuco slang, known as caló, into a pop music urban dialect on songs such as “Pachuco Boogie” and “El Tírili...


gecyberschaft  n.— «Mary Ann Allison of the Allison Group coined “gecyberschaft.” Here’s her idea: sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies described village society before the Industrial Revolution (gemeinschaft) and urban society...


RUB  n.— «While some are still Hell’s Angels or dress like them, there are many more who are businessmen and women, grandparents, and what the industry calls “rubs”&mhdash; Rich Urban Bikers.» —“Why lifestyle branding...


boo-yah  n.— «A favorite expression for killing someone these days is “boo-yah”—the sound from a sawed-off shotgun.» —“Whole sections of urban America are being written off as anarchic badlands, places where cops fear to...


urbral  adj.— «Are you an urbralite? The term “urbral” many not have reached the nation’s dictionaries yet but it could be taking off soon. Western Mail Country & Farming columnist Mark Hinge coined the phrase to mean...

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