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choir  n.— «Britain’s first convicted war criminal was sentenced to a year in prison and dismissed from the army Monday in connection with the death of an Iraqi hotel worker. The victim died of asphyxia after being held in stress positions...


Bushvolk  n.— «Their votes support our troops by making the administration accountable. This isn’t micromanagement, as the Bushvolk maligned. It is input by the branch of government this president needed to begin the war but...

Iraq war three

Iraq war three  n.— «We won’t see the gruesome effects of this until long after we’ve pulled out, when it may produce a dictator considerably worse than Saddam. Within the military community there is a worrying new phrase: “Iraq war...


supporter-in-effect  n.— «In the lengthening hall of mirrors created by the war in Iraq, friends become enemies. Legislators who voted against the war are called supporters-in-effect when they try to support the troops without supporting...


tagbanger  n.— «They’re in a no-man’s land,” Lucero said, referring to how Denver police have trouble tracking which taggers are becoming violent. “We know who the hard-core members of the hard-core gangs are. But these are new...

weather war

weather war  n.— «In the States, they have a name for the media’s increasingly demented obsession with meteorological phenomena: “weather wars.” Anyone who has watched a US reporter narrowly avoid being blown off a rain-lashed...