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 n.— «Sousveillance means “to view from below.”» —“Record the Lens That Records You” by Patrick Di Justo Wired News Nov. 28, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


bishojo  n.— «Sadly, in these sims—also known as bishojo (Japanese for “pretty girl”) games—the balance between tedium and delight is firmly tilted toward boredom.» —“Sim Sex Not So Scintillating” by Danit...


Z-buffer  n.— «Catmull invented texture mapping (the way to make digital surfaces “pour” over objects), the Z-buffer (an algorithm that tracks the virtual distance between pixels and a viewer, now standard in most personal...


scratch  adj.— «With the story reel complete, next comes the soundtrack. Disney animators use “scratch” voices rather than professional actors for preliminary dialog.» —“Welcome to Planet Pixar” by Austin...


sweatbox  n.— «Pixar’s story development process as well as its internal lexicon—including sweatbox, when the director critiques individual animations, and plus-ing, heaping more and more good ideas on a structure that’s already...


plus-ing  n.— «Pixar’s story development process as well as its internal lexicon—including sweatbox, when the director critiques individual animations, and plus-ing, heaping more and more good ideas on a structure that’s already...