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Days of Wine Flights and Mullets

Barack Obama wants to put people to work building roads and bridges. But how about a federal jobs program for out-of-work writers? Also: why do we call it a flight of wine? How did the haircut called a mullet get its name?

Federal Writers Project

President Barack Obama hopes to boost the economy by pouring federal dollars into efforts to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, much like the old Works Progress Administration of the 1930s. But how about reviving that other jobs program from...

beach nourishment

beach nourishment  n.— «Depositing sediment onto a beach and bulldozing it into place—a practice called beach nourishment—has become one of the more controversial functions of the Corps” Civil Works Directorate. Besides building...

steel monkey

steel monkey  n.— «This is where not being a sissy comes in. Steel monkeys as they are affectionately called, have to walk the steel girders in order to put the steel beams in place. They walk the beams a hundred feet in the air. One false...


bio-slurping  n.— «The USFK has argued that it made efforts that “go beyond’” the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between South Korea and the United States by removing polluted underground storage tanks inside camps, removing...