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gister  n.— «I think bloggers are going to become contract writers, “gisters” (I got this term from Dan Brown’s novel Digital Fortress) who condense and summarize news for companies, and a myriad of other publishing related...


HoYay  n.— «A phrase has even sprung up in the blogosphere—”HoYay!” meaning “Homoeroticism Yay!”—to describe awkward glances or sexually ambiguous dialogue between guys. “The director sets up a soap opera—two...


linglei  n.— «Also unlike the young writers who are prone to present their rebellious attitudes and “linglei,” which is a word coined by Time magazine to describe China’s new young writers, Li Shasha showed he was a more mature...

boo-boo lip

boo-boo lip  n.— «“We’re not going to boo-boo lip,” he said. “I’m not going to come here and tell you what we can’t do. I’m not going to tell you what we don’t have. I’m not going to tell you all the reasons in the world you...


king  v.— «Crew names are usually three letters, many times ending with “K,” which stands for “kings” or “kills” in most cases. Some crew names are just two letters, some are four, it all depends...

back door draft

back door draft  n.— «[Arnold] Garcia:&hellip’”The use of the increaseing dependence on the reserve and guard components amounts to, as one of the editorial writers said in a meeting yesterday, a back door draft...