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2015/06/05 - 12:51pm
I did not do well in English class in high school or college, but I seem to hang on to random trivia I encounter.  My reference for this question is the famous "irony" scene from the movie Reality Bites - "It's when the actual meaning is the complete opposite from the literal meaning.", George Carlin's definition - "Irony deals with opposites; it has nothing to do with coincidence.", and a dictionary definition: "a state of affairs that is the reverse of what was to be expected".
A friend and I were disputing whether or not nearly hitting a bulls-eye of a Target store sign with a car meets the definition of ironic.   I think it is an unfortunate coincidence, but I am not convicted it is ironic, as I am pretty sure it was an accident and not the intention of the driver to actually hit the bulls-eye or the sign.  My friend argues "being hit with anything would be the opposite of the intended use of the target sign."  
So, is nearly hitting a bulls-eye of a Target store sign with a car ironic?
Thank you for your feedback.
Ron Draney
721 Posts
2015/06/05 - 2:07pm

I might be okay with this usage if the car were a Plymouth Arrow.

Or a Dodge Dart.

2015/06/05 - 4:03pm

Funny photo, gregmulvihill. Welcome to the forum. If that car (model unrecognizable in the photo) is a Plymouth Arrow or Dodge Dart, I can't tell, but if so that would indeed seem like "irony" to me, as Ron Draney suggests. Likewise if it was a model named "Bullet" or "Impact" or "Projectile" ... but I don't think those car model names exist. Otherwise it's just a "humorous coincidence" which is close to but not the same as true irony.

"Irony" is usually described as a result contrary to what is intended, expected, or implied. Take a look at this collection of the Top 20 Ironic Photos found online, and the distinction may become more clear.

A few of those 20 images I'd quibble with as being ironic, like the "no photos of the photos" photo ... that's more a self-referential joke. There's a fine line between "humorous coincidence" and "irony" but that's the norm with any attempt to classify or categorize the meanings of words.

Ultimately, the meaning of irony has to go back to the classic Greek, where it was used thusly:

Irony (noun): A literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

Current definitions recognize that the usage has evolved to include:

Irony (noun): A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

So that's how I based my answer to your question. Certainly the collision with the Target sign was not intended by the driver, but the CEO of Target might consider it to be ironic. Either way, it would fit the "event with amusing results" part of the definition. Some definitions of "ambiguity" and "paradox" also come close to that meaning, but there's still some subtle distinctions between the various terms.

2015/06/05 - 8:34pm

Thank you for your responses.  I thought it was rather humorous that I did not consider the make/model perspective (Arrow, Dart, etc.).  I will have to share that with my friend.  I suppose my original interpretation holds true based on your feedback.  I have always found it slightly uncomfortable using the ironic/irony as so few seem to understand it or use it correctly.  Most of the time I just ignore when it is misused, but for some reason I felt compelled to investigate the Target sign accident to see if I was off base.  Thanks again!

553 Posts
2016/11/27 - 12:07am
553 Posts
2016/11/27 - 12:14am

These images may or may not be ironic, but if I were to say “How convenient!” that surely is ironic .  (Any body remembers the Church Lady?)15259359_128374130980426_3647486772183955894_o.jpg15271986_128374147647091_1774346727107160386_o.jpg

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