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Crabbing Lingo

Rob calls from the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia to discuss the lingo of crabbing. A male blue crab is a jimmy, and a female is called a sook, a silk, or sow. A crab that’s unsuitable for market because its flesh isn’t firm, it’s...

Rob: Verb and Name

After our conversation about first names that are also verbs, such as Grant, Bob, and Sue, a university freshman in Laramie, Wyoming, wrote to share a funny story about his dad’s name, Rob. This is part of a complete episode.

Make A Train Take A Dirt Road

Remember the classic films Dogumentary and $3000? Those were their working titles, before they became Best In Show and Pretty Woman. We look at how movie titles evolve and change. Also, is Spanglish a real language? And balaclavas, teaching your...

car clout

car clout  n.— «UC Berkeley police have issued a car clout alert. Car clouters—burglars who rob cars—have been busily at work on campus over the past month, reports campus Police Chief Victoria Harrison. Between Feb. 21 and March 21...


catch-in-the-air  n.— «He confessed to have been a member of a robbery gang popularly called one chance, or catch in-the- air.…One chance is a robbery operation whereby we use vehicle to rob victims. We would pick unsuspecting...

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