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slot seam

slot seam  n.— «The slot seam is very narrow only showing a sliver of fabric, when it shows more of the fabric my teacher and book called it a channel seam but I can see in the reference above she calls it a wide set slot.» —by...


slotting  n.— «The dynamic of these negotiations is interesting. On the one side, you have the Pirates, who have traditionally adhered to recommended bonuses, a practice known as slotting. Handing out bonuses over slot hasn’t been the norm...


extinction  n.— «But the thing is, as Natasha points out, the language of the slot machine industry belies its ultimate aims. There’s a term bandied about at the trade shows: “extinction.” We need to design for extinction, we...

beautiful vault

beautiful vault  n.— «Slot machines are sometimes called “beautiful vaults” in the industry because they bring in nearly three-quarters of the roughly $60 billion in gambling revenue that American casinos generate.» —“Slot Machines...

plastic pony

plastic pony  n.— «An increasing number of punters are turning to football and other sports, but the fastest growth area has been in fixed-odds virtual games, from touch-screen roulette slot machines to computer-generated horse races—known...


facening  n.— «Otona No DS Kao Training, or Face Training, includes a camera that plugs into the Game Boy Advance slot on the Nintendo DS and videos your face as you play the game. The idea is what the Japanese call “facening,”...

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