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 n.— «I see you one of those hard ass jitterbugs, huh?» —by Marian Elaine And I Cry Aug., 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


jitterbug  n.— «A third group nearby argued that the NAACP’s more recent threats of boycott probably wouldn’t increase the number of minority production executives or result in even one black person who could greenlight a film. “Man...


jitterbug  n.— «The clubs started putting the phrase “no jits” on the flyers—”jit” being short for “jitterbug,” Detroit slang for gangsta.» —by Simon Reynolds Generation Ecstasy July, 1999...


jitterbug  n.— «“Idiot! You’re an idiot!” she started in, grilling him about why he started crack at age 47, about flushing his life down the toilet, about how now, at his age, he would join the idle, young black males in jail...

talk out (the side of) one’s neck

talk out (the side of) one’s neck  v. phr.— «Only the sum of all these experiences would be able to make up Universe itself. of course i’m just “talking out of my neck” as we say in Dutch.» —“Synergetics—jitterbug...

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