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Set the Soup Outside

The old Brooklyn Dodger Roy Campanella really knew how to set the soup outside! A baseball fan recalls this overheard phrase from a game in the 60s between the Cardinals and the Dodgers, when Campy smacked one over the fence. Grant speculates this...


stiny  adj.— «The display screen is micro madness—so small, so tiny, it has inspired the neologism “stiny.”» —“Titan-ic underdog – Car MP3 player drownsout brand-name humdrum” by Payton H...


grizzle  v.— «Get this formula wrong, however, and the finished glass would be unstable. It would continue to absorb moisture from the air and become cloudy in a process called grizzling. Thanks to the wonders of modern atmospherically...

mouse type

mouse type  n.—Gloss: Defined in the Dictionary for Library and Information Science as “very tiny, barely readable type used for…information the seller is required to display but wishes to downplay.” «Charter is taking...

ledge party

ledge party  n.— «After the usual alcoholic overindulgence, I followed him upstairs, where I soon passed out on his sofa. There, I assumed the starring role in a garden-variety “ledge party,” my deflowering on display for anyone desiring a...


hypar  n.— «Saturday, June 9, Cleveland offered members of ITSA an opportunity to examine a model of a hyperbolic paraboloid, which is sometimes called a hypar, by coming to Spring Valley to see some of the alternative building methods in...