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Kro-ghetto  n.—Gloss: A supermarket in the Kroger chain of stores. «They leave no class behind, ranging from the luxuriously large Whole Foods version to the one-dollar polyester deal available at the grocery store in my neighborhood...

hot stain

hot stain  n.— «Because there are what scientists call “hot stains’”…the parts of the Earth now running out of potable water. Hot stains include northern China, large areas of Asia and Africa, the Middle East, Australia...


strangelet  n.— «But Wagner and Sancho’s court papers raise theoretical scenarios in which the LHC could create particles that gobble up the Earth, such as “killer strangelets.” Strangelets are hypothetical blobs of matter...

tundra daisy

tundra daisy  n.— «Like many residents of the North, I’ve found that the easiest and cheapest of all materials to recycle are 55-gallon drums, five-gallon (Blazo) gas cans and Blazo shipping crates. These versatile objects have been put to...


churnalism  n.— «There has been much comment in the press this week following the coverage of Nick Davies book “Flat Earth News”  where he states that “Churnalism” has replaced real journalism…and...


foo-foo  adj.— «My brother John, ski instructor to Aspen vacationers, has a term for the town’s upscale restaurant food. He calls it “foo-foo food.” Although he appreciates fine cuisine, he’s just as happy with a burger and...