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innerpreneur  n.— «The innerpreneur is someone who is basically an entrepreneur but who is working for the sole purpose of personal growth and development rather than for the purpose of trying to grow a specific company.» —“Why The...

Martha’s Tricks for Lay vs. Lie

It’s one of the biggest grammatical bugaboos of all, the one that bedevils even the most earnest English students: Is it lie or lay? Martha shares a trick for remembering the difference. See below for her clip-and-save chart of these verbs...


eco-coasting  n.— «Around 5.4 million motorists are putting lives in danger by freewheeling out of gear down hills to save fuel. Experts warn eco-coasting puts drivers at risk of losing control as gravity takes over.» —“Freewheel...


econolypse  n.—Gloss: The current economic crisis. Note: “Economy” + “apocalypse.” «The question now is whether the company can manage itself successfully past what the wags now commonly refer to as the...

Federal Writers Project

President Barack Obama hopes to boost the economy by pouring federal dollars into efforts to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, much like the old Works Progress Administration of the 1930s. But how about reviving that other jobs program from...


stimovation  n.—Gloss: Innovation plus economic stimulus, two ways that together could improve the economy. «While creating jobs by upgrading the nation’s physical infrastructure may help in the short term, Mr. Atkinson says, “there’s...