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nameplate capacity

nameplate capacity  n.— «If someone speaks of a 50-MW wind farm, he’s talking about what’s called nameplate capacity meaning the amount of energy it can produce—not the amount it will always generate.» —“Just because it’s ‘green’...


shirt  n.— «Basically, my job is people. I dedicate my time and energy to their needs: health, morale, training, welfare, discipline. My commander and I handle personnel issues.…he common phrase where we’re going is “See your...

green tag

green tag  n.— «Businesses or individuals who are enrolling in the green energy program, aren’t actually switching their electricity providers. Instead, they’re buying what the alternative energy industry calls “green tags.” A green tag...

auroral chorus

auroral chorus  n.— «The sounds are as mysterious as the lights themselves. Some are downright eerie, like Halloween ghost-sound-effects tapes. Others are almost familiar and comforting, similar, in fact, to the chirps of crickets or frogs...


viewshed  n.— «A strict energy conservation program would be instituted, and scenic values—what the plan terms the coastal “viewshed”—would be protected with development blending into rather than dominating its natural setting...


bhopalise  v.— «To bhopalise means to invest in a country where dealings with governments are secret, labour is cheap, energy is cheap, where there are minimal environmental standards, no occupational health and safety standards, where...

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