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nom de womb

nom de womb  n.— «Well, I feel pregnant. Much more so than I did last month with the chemical. This feels like it felt with Joseph, which is reassuring in a way because after all, my entire pregnancy with him was normal and easy, right up...

get off

get off  n.— «In a practice run on Saturday, Dungey had what the motocross publicists euphemistically refer to as a “get off.”I got sideways going over a jump and remember thinking, “This isn’t going to be good’” he...

recovery officer

recovery officer  n.— «A new gang of robbers is on the city roads. They can deprive you of your car while you are heading to attend a cremation or are out with your family for the evening. They are law unto themselves and its enforcers as...


dualie  n.— «A dualie has six tires, two each per rear wheel covered in huge flared fenders behind a four-door cab that can easily swallow five large cowboys or construction workers without starting a fist fight. My wife likens it to a...


ginger-ninja  n.— «This was in response to the news about a family in Newcastle who had suffered three years of abuse—smashed windows, graffiti, physical attacks—forcing them to decamp from one council estate to another on two occasions...


househelp  n.— «For instance, maquipus is a concubine or kept woman, from the root word ipus, “to attend to with care.” Today we use the term to refer to maids or househelps.» —“Tantingco: Kapampangan family terms” Sun...

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