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Googleganger  n.— Note: From the German word “doppelgänger,” meaning a look-alike or a double of a person. «It was an honest mistake: Eve’s name kept showing up on X-rated sites when her mother Googled it to keep tabs on her...

doty house

doty house  n.— «The building that houses the Gallery was built by a family who moved out-of-state, and it has a unique story of its own. Mike explains the gallery building is an Amish “doty” house; doty being the German word...


scherenschnitte  n.— «Jeri discovered paper cutting, or scherenschnitte in a book on early American art and she’s been doing it ever since. That’s right its called “scherenschnitte,” which is actually a German word for...


meister  n.— «An increasing number of manufacturing companies have begun using the in-house title of meister—the German word for master—to improve and pass along technical skills.Eiji Sato, 52, is a meister charged with passing on to the...


sitzprobe  n.— «I looked at the schedule and said “What’s a sitzprobe?” and they said “don’t you know? Oh dear, you are ignorant.” It’s a German word which means sitting down and singing with the orchestra. First...


sitzprobe  n.— «The sitzprobe—the German word originally came into musical theater from the world of opera and literally means “sitting trial”—is actually the rehearsal at which cast and musicians assemble to play through a...

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