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GUBU  adj.— «It has been an annus horribilis for the Prime Minister. The combination of an unpopular war in Iraq, which split his cabinet and his party, and the GUBU nature of the David Kelly affair, not to mention the Hutton Inquiry...


GUBU  adj.— «The story took another twist and headed straight for GUBU country. Between 6pm Monday night and 7.15am Tuesday morning someone broke into the offices of the Equestrian Federation of Ireland and stole a file on O’Connor’s...


GUBU  adj.— «Irish people have a confused, contradictory, even GUBU attitude to property.» —“Nation of property addicts who just want more and more” by John Mulcahy Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland) July 17, 2003...


GUBU  adj.— «The systemic problems in the Garda management were not confined to its operations in Donegal, Mr McDowell said, reiterating his GUBU-esque description of recent events as: “Frightening, unprecedented, egregious and...


GUBU  adj.— «Everyone from hardline feminists to dyed-in-the-wool conservatives hate what he has done. He has achieved a double distinction by producing an unpopular budget on the back of an enormous budget surplus. Why does the word Gubu...


GUBU  adj.— «My youth was spent in an English hospital, receiving treatment for scoliosis, which also caused spinal curvature. So we were both, as far as Haughey hard-liners were concerned, twisted. But to suggest this was a voluntary...