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fifi towel

fifi towel n.— «A Fifi towel is a homemade vagina. Simply take a small towel, fold it in half, and roll it into a tight cylinder. Then keep it that way using elastic bands. To make the vagina realistic, inmates insert a rubber glove into one of the...


beta  n.— «Gunstone wrote and published “The Traveler’s Guide to Washington Rock Climbing” and was widely known as “Beta,” a term used by rock climbers to refer to good information on a route.» —“David...

chocolate foot

chocolate foot  n.— «Keep your pedals horizontal, with your “chocolate foot” (your strongest foot) forward.» —by Hans Rey, Scott Martin Mountain Bike Magazine’s Complete Guide To Mountain Biking Skills Feb. 15...

Patel shot

Patel shot  n.— «Carefully documents his summer vacation with the photooos taken in front of prominent landmarks, including uncle Chunnibhai’s motel in Bakersfield. These photoos are commonly referred to as “Patel-Shots.” His...

meric buttload

meric buttload  n.— «You can collect a metric buttload of data about user activity on your site without too much effort.» —by Philip Greenspun Philip & Alex’s Guide to Web Publishing Apr., 1999. (source: Double-Tongued...


zula  n.— «The Jewish soldier has had to invent a colorful language to express such extreme emotional states as shvizut (state of being depressed, dispirited, and fed up with everything; literally: “broken penis”) and zula (an...

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