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cut sign

cut sign  v. phr.—Gloss: To track someone by their trail marks. Note: Used inside the US Customs and Border Protection, which patrols the United States border. «He knew that the coyotes who led groups of undocumented workers, as well as...


adultism  n.— «One specific “ism” that GLSEN takes great pains to address is “adultism,” which the guide defines as “behaviors and attitudes that adults are better than young people, and entitled to act upon them without their agreement.”...


liphooping  n.— «Tracy Doreen Dietzel […] will close the night with a short performance piece involving lip-synching and hula hooping, something she refers to as liphooping.» —“The abridged guide to Spring Gallery...

exit guide

exit guide  n.— «After a multistate investigation, four network members—“exit guides,” they call themselves—have been arrested and charged with helping 58-year-old John Celmer of Cumming commit suicide last June.» —“Time to pull...


dashboard  v.— «Snyder is a 26-year-old from Raymore, Mo., with a black hat, a dignified air and a nose reconstructed a few years ago by a surgeon who used Snyder’s driver’s license as a guide. That procedure followed a head-to-head run-in...