Home » gunner


trunk monkey

trunk monkey  n.—Gloss: a rear gunner in an armed vehicle, caravan, or convoy. Note: Used among military personnel and contractors in Iraq. It’s possible that the term derives from this advertisement from Suburban Auto Group, and others...


stag  n.— «The young gunner from an artillery unit drafted in to the province as makeshift infantrymen was on sentry duty—”stag” in army parlance—in a sandbagged sangar when the first IRA rounds whistled in, fired from tubes...


mug  v.— «“Once the animal gets entangled in the net, then we get out of the ship and what we affectionately call “mug” it,” net gunner Bob Teagle said. Mugging means trying to get the elk off its legs, covering its eyes...


fobbit  n.— «According to soldiers at Patrol Base Uvanni in central Samarra…everyone at Brassfield-Mora, or any other FOB, is a Fobbit. But…1st Lt. Jason Scott…narrows down the definition: a Fobbit is someone who never...

Rummy’s Dummies

Rummy’s Dummies  n.— «The sharpest blow to Rummy’s Dummies is a scene, shot long before the recent Rumsfeld press-conference debacle, wherein a gunner in mock-TV-news tones explains how safe he feels.» —“A Rap on War” by...


gunner  n.— «When I started reading law students’ blogs this past spring I kept encountering the word “gunner,” almost always used with great disdain. It was pretty easy to figure out what this slang coinage referred to: those...