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Episode 1593

Word Hoard

Ever wonder what medieval England looked and sounded like? In Old English, the word hord meant “treasure” and your wordhord was the treasure of words locked up inside you. A delightful new book uses the language of that period to create...


boat  n.— «Edison Senat learned how to speak English in five months. The 26-year-old Haiti native didn’t want to be tagged as “boat,” a derogatory term referring to immigrants. So he made it a point to speak it as often as he...

Haitian happiness

Haitian happiness  n.— «Haitian Hapiness—(verb) Abnormally frequent and abnormally fluid evacuation of the bowels.» —“Haitian Hapiness Defined and Explained” Livesay Haiti WebLog (La Digue, Haiti) May 12, 2006...


manpad  n.— «The Nicaraguan army sold nearly 400 shoulder-fired missiles—known in military parlance as manpads, or man-portable air defense systems—to the warring countries.» —“Rumsfeld on Mission for Haiti Aid” by John...


buscone  n.— «The new system calls for Dominican and Haitian buscones, or recruiters, to go to Haiti and promise workers easy money, good housing and soft jobs.» —“Haitians feel oppression from Dominican bias” by Gregory...