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A Mother’s Playful Interjections

A Green Bay, Wisconsin, caller is curious about her mother’s playful interjections. If someone said, “Well,” her mother would add, “Well, well. Three holes in the ground.” If someone started a sentence with...

pass a bill under the hammer

pass a bill under the hammer  v. phr.— «Thousands of bills were considered during the legislative session and 466 roll call votes were taken. The vast majority of bills are voted unanimously to either pass or fail out of committee and the...


leaverite  n.— «I always carry a rock hammer and a gunny sack, and when I see a likely piece of jasper or agate, I chip a corner to see how it holds up. Like as not, the whole stone may shatter making it into leaverite (leave-‘er...


book  n.— «Matters improved still more. Mr. Legree moved to a job at Public School 150, just across the street from his apartment at Brownsville Houses. It was at that job that he received his “book”—became a member of a laborers’ union...

water hammer

water hammer  n.— «Storage and release of energy in the fluid also occurs during a phenomenon know as “water hammer.” Water hammer is the term used to describe the effect that occurs when the velocity of the fluid moving through a pipe...

hammer clause

hammer clause  n.— «Many insurance policies have what is known as a “hammer” clause, meaning that the insurer can force the insured to accept a settlement of the claim, unless the insured is willing to forego coverage or accept...