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spizerinctum  n.— «“I think the country is entitled to know he is young, vigorous, and full of spizerinctum.” [Sen. Alexander Wiley (R) Wis.] said spizerinctum was a word coined by an old banker in his town of Chippewa Falls, Wis...


spizerinctum  n.— «It seems that some of the ‘dry’ leaders of the state are in danger of jeopardizing the cause of sobriety by their weak-knee statements. And, of course, they are being ably assisted by certain headline writer desk men who...


spizerinctum  n.— «It may be a letter from Aunt Mehetibelle, a bill for the new car, or an for Spizerinctum’s Kill or Cure, but the mail must go through.» —“How Would You Like To Be The Postman Now?” Chronicle...


neurobics  n.— «Neurobics is designed to keep the brain healthy by utilizing the five senses in unique and unconventional ways that serve to keep the connections between brain cells active and stimulated.» —“Get that flabby brain in...


hospitalist  n.— «“The primary-care doctor may feel a sense of loss and even abandonment giving up his patient to another doctor, and sick patients have the right to be worried about being cared for by a stranger,” says Robert...

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