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wrong-sider  n.— «And when Papineau—or any other lefty steps up to the plate—he’s referred to as a wrong-sider.» —“Team takes baseball to its roots” by Paul Costanzo Times Herald (Port Huron, Michigan) May...

Yankee dime

Yankee dime
 n.— «If you’ll do me this favor in double quick time,/You shall have my best wishes and a Yankee dime.» —Huron Reflector (Norwalk, Ohio) Jan. 13, 1846. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


trickeration  n.— «Every child that is on the Internet is not necessarily engaging in inappropriate behavior. There is so much information and access, I refer to it as trickeration. Kids can stumble on inappropriate sites. Seemingly...

channel stuffing

channel stuffing  n.— «In their lawsuit, the plaintiffs contend that Avon unfairly competes and artificially boosts its financial bottom line by shipping unordered products to its sales representatives, who are then coerced by Avon into...