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magic box

magic box
 n.— «Chef jargon—”Magic box”—microwave it.» —“jargon and newspeak” by Holly ABC Electric Journal Nov. 3, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


chain-linking  n.— «Mather smells a rat in all this tinkering, convinced it’s a statistical conspiracy, designed to show Scottish output in the best possible light, when once dominant sectors, like electronics mass assembly, wither away...


play-off  n.— «A “play-off” is TV jargon for the footage that is run before a commercial break and it’s one of the many terms Linnell has had to pick up quickly as he runs a TV news and current affairs department for the first...


wobbler  n.— «Section 273.5 cases are considered “wobblers” in law enforcement jargon, meaning charges can be filed either as misdemeanors or felonies. The decision is left to the arresting officer, detective supervisor and...

boo word

boo word  n.— «Whatever their politics may be, the students interviewed were not—by their own perceptions—“liberals.” The world [sic] “liberal” has for them become, to use the jargon, a “boo” word, even a term of...

take a haircut

take a haircut  v. phr.— «To account for the fact that the shares cannot be sold, FBR uses an accounting technique known as a “liquidity discount,” or, in the jargon of Wall Street, “taking a haircut.” Back to your...