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rod-buster  n.— «Her husband pitched in at the beginning to help her struggling business but kept his $40,000-a-year job as a union “rod-buster” to keep the family going.» —“A Modern Mobile Profession: Making Spot...


rodbuster  n.— «There are 98 men and two women on the job—carpenters, ironworkers (“rodbusters,” they are called), laborers and some others.» —“Crew adores Rincon tower but can’t afford to live there” by Carl...

keep six

keep six  v. phr.— «“She begged Ray not to hang around with (name withheld by the Sun) anymore. Ray said he had one more job to do with him and all he had to do was to go out to this area, and that is the area where the body was found, and...


hotwalking  n.— «“I really like it,” Noctor said earlier this week, after finishing her morning job, which is called hotwalking. “I have a lot of fun doing the hotwalking.” A hotwalker is someone who walks a horse to cool...


hotwalker  n.— «“I really like it,” Noctor said earlier this week, after finishing her morning job, which is called hotwalking. “I have a lot of fun doing the hotwalking.” A hotwalker is someone who walks a horse to cool...


scrub  v.— «Youtuber Doomblake has done an hilarious job of remixing a the little sequence in Empire Strikes Back where Vader is sitting in his clamshell commander’s chair, scrubbing different shots back and forth with great precision to...