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praise sandwich

praise sandwich  n.— «A slice of praise.…A slice of constructive criticism.…Note that even the criticism is still covered in praise. You want the youngster to really absorb what you have just said.…The final bit of...

cuffing and stuffing

cuffing and stuffing  v.— «The days of cuffing and stuffing criminals in jail are long gone. The role of police officers has been broadened to include the title of educator.» —“DARE Lessons Worth It; Kids Remember” Palm...

get brain

get brain
 v.— «Kids say “get brain” does not mean smarts. It’s slang for oral sex.» —“Bus ban on sex ads” N.Y. Daily News Nov. 5, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


kippers  n.pl.— «The United Kingdom calls them kippers, short for “Kids in Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings.” The United States refers to them as “boomerang babies.” And this year, 64 percent of 2004’s...

boomerang baby

boomerang baby  n.— «The United Kingdom calls them kippers, short for “Kids in Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings.” The United States refers to them as “boomerang babies.” And this year, 64 percent of...