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hold the cap

hold the cap  v. phr.— «At yesterday’s hearing, Rep. Delmar Burridge said he hopes a law change will give incentive for low-level members who don’t “hold the check” or “hold the cap”—street lingo he heard in his 35...

Cabbage Night

Cabbage Night  n.— «Ah, the joys of the annual ritual of mischief known throughout Vermont as Cabbage Night. It’s the night many home- and business-owners have come to dread as youths harness all their collective naughtiness into one...

Blessing Way

Blessing Way  n.— «On Thursday December 14th at 12:00 pm we will be holding a Blessing Way for our friend and midwife Lauren Hodges whose baby is due December 29th. A Blessing Way is a ceremony honoring change in a woman’s life. We would...

boy safari

boy safari  n.— «Dior is one of the fashion houses leading the demand for stick-thin young men. Chris Ulyatt, 19, modelled for Dior last year. At 6ft 2in, he weighs only 10 stone. “I was approached in the street by the head of Dior...

be daredeviled

be daredeviled  v. phr.— «During the last negotiation for the Independent Production Agreement, in 2001, 20th Century Fox claimed the studio canceled plans to shoot the Ben Affleck action flick Daredevil in Montreal and relocated it to...

Beckham bone

Beckham bone  n.— «The Jones fracture, as it came to be called, occurs near the ankle end of the bone, and befalls dancers and soccer players (the metatarsal is known in England as “the Beckham bone”); the Vineyard fracture, meanwhile, is...