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NAFOD  n.— «The “cat dancers” of the title are people who are willing to scale down the sheer wall of a mountain gorge to a panther’s den so to snap a shot of the cat’s face and hope to live to tell the story. Such a person is...

cat dancer

cat dancer  n.— «The “cat dancers” of the title are people who are willing to scale down the sheer wall of a mountain gorge to a panther’s den so to snap a shot of the cat’s face and hope to live to tell the story. Such a...


b-girl  n.— «They’ve also made more than 1000 arrests—most at cafeterias that serve alcohol without a meal or employ what is known in Miami law enforcement parlance as “b-girls.” (Major Exposito explains them thusly: “A...

SODDI defense

SODDI defense n. blame placed on an unknown party (in a court of law); Also TODDI defense, blame placed on a known party (in a court of law). Etymological Note: Acronyms of some other dude did it and the other dude did it. (source: Double-Tongued...


bobtailing  n.— «The court held the Legislature had violated the state Constitution by attaching nongermane items to a law that pertained to another subject, a practice called “bobtailing.”» —“Sloan Relishes Role” The...

shop and drop

shop and drop  n.— «The new law protects against a practice known as “shop and drop,” where a consumer uses a credit card to purchase high-ticket items in the weeks prior to filing for bankruptcy.» —“New law...

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