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recaptive  n.— «Colonized by the British, these two countries almost have similar historical backgrounds, more so with regards the Trans Atlantic slave trade. That exercise which saw many Africans recaptured on the high seas at the height...

affinity fraud

affinity fraud  n.— «When the scoundrel running the fraud is a trusted person, it makes the crime even more repulsive. Affinity fraud, as it is known, often includes people who put themselves in positions of trust at churches or schools...

rubber jungle

rubber jungle  n.— «Skies were mostly clear and planes were full as spring break began in many locales. From the day before, an accidental deployment of oxygen masks—a rubber jungle, in airline-speak—was discussed.» —“Airlines Learn...

apology law

apology law  n.— «Apology laws, as they are called, allow doctors to express sympathy and compassion after a patient is injured without fear that their words will be used against them in a civil suit.» —“Dear Doctor:Learn to say, ‘I’m...

spaghetti bowl

spaghetti bowl  n.— «Riding the subways was something many of the suburban commuters approached with trepidation—deciphering the psychedelic spaghetti bowl that is a New York subway map,» —“In Bronx, Commuters Learn ABC’s Of...

God wink

God wink  n.— «Ponder it in your minds, why all the sugar being pushed today, is it just a God Wink? NO! These are not God Winks! No, God has not given you a wink to let you know he is with you. Whenever you see a Word of Wisdom being...

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