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lopomo n. lower power mode; a state in which an electric power supply uses less energy. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


lopomo  n.— «“Lopomos” is an acronym for “low-power modes.”… Lopomo energy is used to maintain digital clocks on microwave ovens and VCRs, save television channels in memory, and keep cell phones and rechargeable...


lopomo  n.— « An increasing amount of electricity is used by equipment that is neither fully “on” nor fully “off.” We call these equipment states low power modes, or “lopomos.” “Standby” and “sleep” are the most familiar lopomos, but some...


lopomo  n.— «Products that idle in what the industry calls low-power mode, or lopomo, consumed about 10 percent of total electricity in California homes, according to a 2002 study prepared for the California Energy Commission by the...