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Episode 1397

Hard Words Are Hard

The SAT is changing things up, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just because words like membranous are no longer in the verbal section doesn’t mean kids aren’t learning important vocabulary. And speaking of useful terms...

First Use of Famous Quotations

There’s an old joke running around that goes as follows, “Lost: Bald, one-eyed ginger Tom, crippled in both back legs, recently castrated, answers to the name of ‘Lucky.'” Nigel Rees of The Quote Unquote Newsletter has been...


LPU  n.— «It’s refreshing to read about a discovery that isn’t just a tiny increment. Today’s scientists are under pressure to publish something new, leading to what some cynically call the LPU, or Least Publishable Unit. You find some new...


tumblelog  n.— «Blogging has mutated into simpler forms (specifically, link- and mob- and aud- and vid- variant), but I don’t think I’ve seen a blog like Chris Neukirchen’s Anarchaia, which fudges together a bunch of disparate forms of...

lucky sperm club

lucky sperm club  n.— «He says Barron Hilton, heir to the Conrad Hilton hotel empire, belongs to the “Lucky Sperm Club.”» —“Trump’s greatest project: Himself” by David Greising Chicago Sun-Times Dec...


marbit  n.— «Circus Peanuts, and the marshmallow bits (called marbits) in Lucky Charms, are denser, grained marshmallows with some of the sugar in crystal form.» —“Mystery Of Circus Peanuts” by Richard Hartel, AnnaKate...