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güey  n.— «For many young adults along the border, “güey” is a simple slang greeting among friends. For others, it’s a crude insult that’s not used in polite company.» —“Coors ad makes many question if...


güey n. a dude, guy, buddy, buster, cabrón, cuate; orig. chump, punk, idiot, fool. Editorial Note: This term is usually said to be a form of buey ‘ox’ or, in Mexico, ‘idiot.’ Often used vocatively as a salutation or interjection. Like...


güey  n.— «Contrariamente a lo que se pueda pensar en México Güey en la mayoría de los casos no es una ofensa. Significa amigo, camarada o compañero. Ejem: ¿Qué onda güey? = ¿Qué hay de...


cholo  n.— «“I keep telling Cesar: ‘This is your month. You’re going to be the next American cholo all-star,’” Mr. Jimenez said, using the slang for Mexican gangster.» —“Casting a Gang Member? Call Suspect...


pocho n. an Americanized person or thing of Mexican origin, including Americanized Mexican Spanish. Also adj. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


pocho  n.— «Pochismo, derived from pocho, an adjective which originally meant discolored, has now come to mean a type of popular slang in Mexico. In the evergrowing list of pocho expressions are many hybrid words, artificial combinations...

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