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spork  n.— «The buffalo in question is the fourth vehicle in the patrol, towering over the armored trucks. Rather than an animal, it looks more like a medieval siege engine, with its row of small, thick-lensed windows and an iron-clawed...

geographic bachelor

geographic bachelor  n.— «We were actually thinking about moving back home, with my husband staying here as a GEO [geographic bachelor, a military term for a married soldier in an isolated base or deployment].» —“After the war, a...


GEO  n.— «We were actually thinking about moving back home, with my husband staying here as a GEO [geographic bachelor, a military term for a married soldier in an isolated base or deployment].» —“After the war, a struggle to...

scuffed up

scuffed up  adj.— «Getting “smoked,” or “a smoking” as it is also referred to, is a slang term in the military used to describe a tough and usually relatively quick work out normally used as a punishment. Everyone...

get smoked

get smoked  v. phr.— «Getting “smoked,” or “a smoking” as it is also referred to, is a slang term in the military used to describe a tough and usually relatively quick work out normally used as a punishment...


smoking  n.— «Getting “smoked,” or “a smoking” as it is also referred to, is a slang term in the military used to describe a tough and usually relatively quick work out normally used as a punishment. Everyone in...

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