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Low-Key Slang

Katie, a biology professor in San Diego, California, reports that her students use low-key in ways she’s not used to hearing, as in I was low-key lost in class today, meaning “I was sort of lost in class today.” Linguists Pamela...

Monroe Piercing

Tell your Mom the sterling silver stud above your lip isn’t “that dumb thing.” It’s called a Monroe piercing, in honor of Marilyn’s famed beauty mark. This is part of a complete episode.

blood and treasure

blood and treasure  n.— «As a discussion of the Iraq War grows longer (and more heated), it becomes more and more likely that someone will invoke the phrase “blood and treasure.” This olde-tyme expression, popular with Jefferson and Monroe...

peashake house

peashake house  n.— «President of the Indianapolis City-county Council, Monroe Gray. He likes to hangout in illegal gambling joints—such as the peashake house on the corner of 38th Capitol (disguised as a car wash)—while on duty as an...


robe-itis  n.— «Dan Doyle, a Republican who serves as special counsel to Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks, impressed us with his legal thinking and his desire to make the system work better. He has the makings of a good, fair-minded...

short booking

short booking  n.— «Officers also have stopped a practice called “short booking,” in which officers charge a person with a crime, schedule a court date, then let the person leave the jail without posting bond with the...