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bug bomb

bug bomb  n.— «New York has become the first state in the nation to force the removal of insect foggers—often known as bug bombs—from store shelves and require the devices be operated only by certified pesticide professionals.» —“New...

A Moniker for Your Monitor

Greetings, oh esteemed listeners. This is another newsletter from A Way with Words. On the air this past weekend, we talked a bit about giving nicknames to inanimate objects, druthers, Hispanic vs. Latino, stingaree, and people who can't quite...

Political Language and Dittlers

Hiya, folks. It's another newsletter from A Way with Words! Aside from flagellating ourselves for the homophonic error in last week's newsletter (error is always in a hurry), we also aired a radio show and posted a minicast. The topics on...


stunter  n.— Note: This term is familiar to anyone who remembers the Icy Hot Stuntaz Internet meme. «In squad cars and on powerful BMW motorcycles of their own, these officers go after what they regard as a growing problem on the nation’s...


poach  v.— «Burton has committed $20,000 to a campaign for equal access for snowboarders. Earlier this month, he said he would award $5,000 to boarders who submit the best footage of themselves riding at resorts that prohibit them—a...

360 deal

360 deal  n.— «This was the year of the so-called “360 deal,” what some are calling the wave of the future in which companies like concert promoter Live Nation cut $100-million plus deals with longtime major-label superstars...