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stay rape

stay rape  n.— «Stay Rape—My friend Alex invented the phrase “Stay Rape” to describe how you feel when someone overstays their welcome. It has the following subsets: Aggravated Stay Rape—When they’re especially annoying...


snazzual  adj.— «Snazzual—I’m going to L.A. on business next month, and it involves attending an event, so I asked my boss, Paul, to advise me on how to dress. “Snazzual,” he replied, and a word was born. (It’s better than...


Christianophobia  n.— «The resolution passed Monday despite efforts by Arab countries to omit any references to anti-Jewish bigotry amid references to Islamophobia and Christianophobia.» —“UN resolution condemns anti...

Big Apple

Big Apple  n.— «So many people have asked the writer about the derivation of his phrase, “the big apple,” that he is forced to make another explanation. New Orleans has called it to his mind again. A number of years back, when...

Big Apple

Big Apple  n.— «The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There’s only one Big Apple. That’s New York. Two dusky stable hands were leading a pair of thoroughbred around...

Big Apple

Big Apple n. New York City. Editorial Note: Although there are many claims about the origin of “The Big Apple” as a nickname for New York City, each of the others lacks crucial supporting evidence or is demonstrably false. Among...

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