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politicide  n.— «Rabbi Alexand M. Schindler…said that the Arab and third-world nations voting for the resolution “made a fateful and ominous decision to take the road of rhetoric, politicide and bigotry rather than the road of...

water boarding

water boarding  n.— «In the case of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a high-level detainee who is believed to have helped plan the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, C.I.A. interrogators used graduated levels of force, including a technique known as...


trashcanistan  n.— «Outside the wire surrounding their bases, soldiers jokingly trade names for their temporary home: Trashcanistan, Asscrackistan.» —“Letter from Afghanistan” by Scott Baldauf The Nation (New York...


pipe  v.— «Jiggs Bluster may have piped quotes and gilded scum in his time, but in the long run Jimmy Breslin offered this city a gift: he made it clear that the true experts on life are not officials and academics, but those who live it...


pipe  v.— «It anticipated the whole Jayson Blair imbroglio by a good 15 years with a thriller about a reporter who gets burned making up—or “piping,” in David Freeman’s parlance—a New York magazine article about a pimp...

thunder run

thunder run  n.— «The plan for the convoy had gone through a number of permutations. At first it was seen by planners as a show of strength, with preparations worthy of a major invasion, including tank support and air cover—a...