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kitchen  n.— «Lobsters like the shelter of rocks and prefer cold water to warm. They move around a lot and find their food by smell—that’s what the antennas are for—and not by sight. But the whole notion of trapping them may be a...


parlor  n.— «Lobsters like the shelter of rocks and prefer cold water to warm. They move around a lot and find their food by smell—that’s what the antennas are for—and not by sight. But the whole notion of trapping them may be a...


roll-on  n.— «I also know that many white brothers who raise issues with Msholozi’s polygamous ways are not necessarily opposed to the notion of having two or three wives. In fact, many of them have their “roll-ons” (township argot for...


Nadered  adj.— «Nader’s campaign disputes the commonly held belief that his 2000 run resulted in Bush winning the presidency. Campaign officials say there were many other factors at play. Still, the notion persists, and political experts...

headless chicken

headless chicken  n.— «The advocates and supporters of the new party notion see this as a logical solution to the political quagmire the ruling party has found itself in following the populist rhetoric, demagoguery and vindictiveness of...