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revolving SOB

revolving SOB  n.— «Because he “challenged communists and their agents in the United States” he “automatically became a revolving SOB” to his critics.» —“Marshall Gets Into McCarthy Line of...


de-scope  v.— «But Pall said the term Watkins wanted was “de-scope,” which means the Navy is taking another look at work needed on the project.» —“Navy Staying With Plant” Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...


two-and-barbecue  other.— «The Lutes were 0-2 and out the past two years at nationals. “Lose two and barbecue. That’s what we called it.”» —“Pacific Blanks Kearney Stout Slams Solo Homer in 9th” by Mike...


super-senior  n.— «Argus, who graduated from the University of Oklahoma in his “”super-senior” year of 1974, is the son of Argus Hamilton Jr. and Paula Hamilton.» —“Will Rogers II Comedian Hamilton’s Jokes Hit...


slobber-knocker  n.— «He’s the reason we initiated the term “slobber-knocker” for an exceptional hit.» —“1985 Oklahoman All-State Team” Sunday Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, Okla.) Jan. 5, 1986. (source:...


gun-grabber  n.— «I read in the paper that John Kerry was out goose hunting trying to convince gun owners he isn’t a gun grabber. If Americans fall for that lie, our goose is cooked. Kerry has never had a positive vote for America’s gun...