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 n.— «Mercer-Smith tore into the parking lot in a rusty yellow 1970s vintage LTD, a boatlike bomber of a car.» —by Jo Ann Shroyer Secret Mesa Oct. 10, 1997. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

learning cottage

learning cottage  n.— «Somehow, trailer (be it on a farm, or in a public school parking lot) just seems to lack esteemable associations. So now they’ve coined the term “learning cottage” to soften up the blow…at the same...


jitterbug  n.— «“Bojack” started robbing parking meters as a 10-year-old; by age 16, he was “a bona-fide ‘jitterbug’—the first lieutenant and known warlord of a very large gang.”» —“On the Edge’ of oblivion: the...


TMPMITW  n.— «As your pool stood around in the parking lot of the Somerset Inn on W. Big Beaver Road, waiting for TMPMITW, Scott McClellan got an early-morning briefing about the news from yeoman Josh Deckard, who pointed out important...

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